Purim Extraordinaire (~400 Total Pied Faces)

“My services have undergone expansions, improvements and tweaks. This includes an additional clown retinue,” began the conversation that led to 2011’s Purim Extraordinaire, a few notches above last year’s “Special Visit” which concluded with 10 pied faces.  Although I pied a few additional faces this year, I also brought a few additional clowns along, so the energy was significantly higher.

To the Romans it was Cobbler Rasa, the French referred to it as La Tarte Blanche, aboriginal clowns called it Entering the Creamtime, and of course the ancient Qabbalah clowns spoke of soulful and doleful schmaltz by the bowlful

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We are engaging with clowning as our Right Livelihood.  We would prefer to provide services to those who can afford the asking rate, but we will not deny the needy and the appreciative.

All reasonable barter and donation exchanges considered.

We are committed to providing safe, appropriate, and profoundly memorable surprises that are customized to your occasion and audience.  We want everyone to enjoy a healthy dose of laughter and leave with a deepened sense of their place in the community.

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